Assignment Details
GIS and crime management
Date Due
Nov. 10, 2023
Additional Info
OneNote > 01 Urbanisation > 11 GIS and Crime Management > Worksheet
Use the website to generate a crime map of your local area. To do this, scroll down to the 'what's happening in your area?' section, and put your postcode into the search box. Next, choose the 'Crime Map' area from the ribbon (just to the right of 'Overview'. You can play around with the zoom a little bit so you don't just have one or two giant crime blobs.
If you live really close to school, the map will be very similar to the one we looked at in class, so just choose somewhere else you know well - a friends' house, a grandparents' house, somewhere you used to live. Likewise, if you live in the middle of the countryside, you may find there were no crimes near you - choose somewhere else you know well (or your nearest town).
Once you have screenshotted your map, paste into the box in the bottom left of the worksheet (or next to the worksheet is fine). And then write a paragraph describing and explaining the patterns of crime in your area. Don't forget to do both elements - describe (use the tip boxes and lots of lovely description words - evenly/unevenly distributed, clustered, dispersed, linear, compass points, numbers etc) and explain (think about why some areas might have lots of crime and some not much).