Assignment Details

Bracklesham Introduction Green Box Questions


11D Geography 23-24 JRP

Date Due

Oct. 17, 2023

Additional Info
OneNote > 05a Coastal Fieldwork > 1. Introduction

Please answer all the green box past exam questions at the back of the Introduction workbook.  Some tips:

  • State the location as 'Bracklesham, West Sussex'
  • The table the has row headings such as 'spatial scale' and 'accessibility' allows you to justify choice of location.  One explained reason only needed for the 2 marker
  • For the hypothesis question, the workbook contains another table (directly beneath the three hypotheses) that gives six reasons why they are suitable.  For a 3 marker, I would suggest choosing min 2, max 3 and explaining why each point makes the hypothesis suitable
  • Attrition works well as a geographical concept - you can use it to explain why our hypothesis is that sediment will get smaller and smoother towards the western end of Bracklesham Bay
  • For the 8 marker, utilise the language of the question to make it really obvious you are answering it.  You should be writing phrases like 'This makes the location highly suitable because...', 'this increases the suitability of the location because...', 'this limits the suitable of the location to a degree because...'.
  • Also for the 8 marker, we want a balanced answer including things that made the location suitable and things that didn't.  It doesn't have to be completely balanced - I would suggest 3:1 positive:negative works well most of the time.  Again, look at the table with the 'spatial scale' row at the top and the two bullet points underneath for ideas.
I know lots of you will be DofE-ing this weekend.  Hopefully you can do this beforehand, but extensions or alternatives are available if not.  Don't worry about anything - just let me know what the situation is and we'll find a solution.