Lesson Details

Cover Lesson, 16th March 2023


10D Geography JRP


March 16, 2023

Additional Info
Cover Lesson, 16.3.23

OneNote > 04 Hazards > 02 Tropical Cyclones

Sorry not to be with you today again girls - this time I'm on the Year 8 Kew Gardens field trip.  Please complete the following:

1. Use the 'Typhoon Haiyan Article' page and the 'Typhoon Haiyan Textbook Page' page to fill in the second slide (the case study note-taking framework) of the 'Typhoon Haiyan' page.  Use as much factual detail and statistics as you can - remember this is one of your named case studies so you could be asked specific questions such as 'With reference to a named country, explain two impacts of a tropical cyclone' (4 marks).  For the impacts, put short term ones on the left hand side of the boxes, and long term ones on the right hand side (although obviously it's not black and white and there will be a degree of merging in the middle).  You don't need to do anything on Slide 3 ('How vulnerable in the Philippines...') this lesson.

2. Watch the video on the 'Video and comprehension questions' page and answer the comprehension questions.

Keep an eye out for a separate assignment re homework.