Lesson Details

Cover lesson 19.11.21


U6A Geography NEA JRP


Nov. 19, 2021

Additional Info
Dear girls, sorry again not to be with you today.  The plan for today's double is as follows:

1. Presentation hand in.  Mrs Howitt has A3 plastic folders for you to hand in completed hard-copy work for safe storage - please fill these up and hand them in to Mrs Howitt.  Don't worry if they are not completely finished (e.g. captions and titles may not be done yet - this is the sort of thing that can be added at a later date).  And if there are any presentational pages to add to these folders over the next few days, we can slip them in (although the hope is that the majority of it is ready today).

2. Methods of data collection.  Attention now turns to writing up your methods as a formal 'Methods of Data Collection' document.  This will be Chapter 2 of your final project.  There are guidance documents in the yellow folder on Showbie, which Mrs Howitt will talk you through in the first part of the lesson today.  In the second lesson, you will be working on it independently.  I suggest you start on things like your introductory page, data collection map, risk and ethical assessment, geolocation table/map.

We'll talk through referencing and citations next week, as they will become increasingly important, but make sure you make a note of every use a data source (could be Google Earth for a base map, could be a website to get ideas for your ethical assessment, could be a magazine article to justify a particular method you've used.  If you don't note them down, you'll forget what came from where.