Assignment Details

Methods of data collection


U6A Geography NEA JRP

Date Due

Nov. 26, 2021

Additional Info
Spend 90 minutes working towards your Methods of data collection.  Suggested tasks this week:

1. Methods of data collection map - draw a sketch map or use a greyscale clean (i.e. labels removed) Google Earth satellite image of your study area and annotate it to show where you collected all your data.  Use shaded areas (e.g. land use survey zones), lines for transects or walking routes or questionnaire streets, points for specific photography points (Carmen, thinking of you here rather than Coasts girls, who took loads of photos all over the beaches) or if you did questionnaires in particular places, or rip rap measurement points.  Remember title (including citation (e.g. 'base image taken from Google Earth, 2021)), north arrow, scale.

2. Introductory page - date and time of data collection.  Weather conditions (and screenshot of forecast to prove it? - remember to include citation in the caption).  Position in tidal cycle for coasts (screenshot to prove it with citation).  Acknowledgement of assistance - 'Assistance with data collection was provided by....'.  Write in past tense and ideally in an impersonal way (e.g. 'assistance was provided with data collection by...' rather than 'I was helped with data collection by...'

3.  Geolocation...This could be added as annotations to your data collection map, or it could work as a separate table.  You need to geolocate points of data collection where possible.  This might include - borough names (Carmen), ward names (Ella, Abi S), postcodes and names of questionnaire streets (Abi), coordinates of specific data collection points (e.g. transects, questionnaires if you stood in one place to do them, photographs (if not too many)...use GRs/What3words/lat-long (choose one and stick with it), all of which can be found on the gridreferencefinder website.  If you did more of a line survey (shore profiles, lengths of rip rap, Ella's walk) you could give the start and finish coordinates.

4. Risk assessment - I think most of you have made a good start on this, but it needs a short introductory paragraph explaining the process you undertook to make it (with citation).

5. Ethical assessment - informed consent, anonymity (not relevant or interviews, but is for questionnaires), security of data storage, respecting the integrity of the site, handling sensitive information (questionnaires).  This could be a table...column 1 is issue, column 2 is description (of the issue i.e. why is it important) and column three is management (i.e. what you did to ensure ethical practice).  Or you could write each issue a a short prose paragraph.  Barcelona FSC and Owens textbook are good for citations in this, with a few other sources for other ideas (e.g. Compassionate fieldwork).

Send me emails if you get stuck!  I know these are new skils.