Lesson Details
Cover lesson 18.11.21
Nov. 18, 2021
Additional Info
Sorry I won't be in the lesson again today. Please work through the following tasks (in this order of priority).
1. Continue reading through and highlighting/annotating the information about earthquake management in Japan/Nepal in the back of your case study booklets.
2. In Showbie, go to the assignment 'seismic hazard management' and work through the Powerpoint (most of which replicates the content from Task 1, so won't detain you long, but there are a few extra bits of information too) and read the paragraphs about the fall out from the :L'Aquila earthquake.
3. Any spare time can be spent on NEA presentation, but we will be consolidating the hazards work you have covered this week next week, so make sure you have a very good grasp of it all please, so that process is nice and efficient.