Lesson Details
Cover lesson, 17.11.21
Nov. 17, 2021
Additional Info
Good morning girls.
I'm sorry not to be with you today. I my absence, please can you complete the following:
Showbie>Hazards>Earthquake case studies
1. Continue the Tohoku/Gorkha team teaching exercise we were doing last week - I think there should be a couple of groups to go. Please summarise the key AO1 elements of your comparative tables and them provide your purple box question commentary for the AO2 elements.
2. Once you have done this (and not before), I have uploaded the teacher version of the workbook to Showbie, with suggested (although you may have come up with things that are equally valid) purple box question answers. Have a read through to consolidate your knowledge and understanding.
3. Read through, highlight and annotated the passages at the back of the booklet that discuss how Japan and Nepal deal with seismic risk in general (e.g. Sky Tree, NSET, Early Warning Systems etc)
Get as far through as you can. Hopefully I'll be able to see you on Teams tomorrow and we can talk through what you've found and look at anything you've not covered.
I'm checking emails, so if you have queries about NEA presentation then continue to send them my way. Mrs Howitt should be providing you with A3 plastic wallets to keep work safe at some point between now and Friday.
Mr Partridge