Assignment Details

Edward Colston


9G Geography JRP

Date Due

March 10, 2022

Additional Info
1. Make sure that your contribution to the research summary table in the shared powerpoint is complete

2. Please annotate around the spider diagram in the shared powerpoint to suggest arguments in favour of the three different viewpoints.  Please write your initials after your annotations so I can check that everyone is contributing - I'd like to see 2-3 ideas from everyone please.  You don't need to only do the statement that most closely aligns with your views - you should be able to develop awareness of the reasons for other perspectives, even if you don't hold them yourself.

A couple of reminders:

1. This is an emotive topic, so please phrase contributions sensitively and carefully
2.  As it's a share document, please be aware of the risk of deleting/overwriting other people's work.