Lesson Details

Cover lesson. 17.11.21


11A Geography JRP


Nov. 17, 2021

Additional Info
Good morning girls. I'm sorry I can't be with you today - please complete the following work in my absence.

Showbie>Globalisation and Migration>2.Globalisation and migration>2.b. Impacts of migration on different groups of people (the Powerpoint with the image of migrants in lifejackets getting off a boat)

1. Spend 10 minutes creating a spider diagram of migration impacts (Slide 3). This can be based on pre-existing knowledge - no need to read ahead. You can think about the impacts on where the migrants come from, the country they migrate to, the migrants themselves. Colour code positive and negative.

2. Read and highlight Slides 6-8

3. Watch the video on Slide 5 (The Truth About Immigration in the UK) The Truth About Immigration in the UK 2014 (BBC, HD 720p) - YouTube.  On your pukka pads, create a table with two columns (Advantages and Disadvantages) and three rows (Economic Impacts, Social Impacts, Environmental Impacts).  As you watch the video, note down some of the impacts of migration in the UK - this is a rough piece of work, just as to stimulate discussion in a future lesson.

Remember this is a homework hand in day - please upload your 6 and 12 markers to the '1. The rise of the global economy' assignment.