Assignment Details
Hazards review assessment
Date Due
Sept. 15, 2021
Additional Info
Spend 40 minutes (and no more) going through the hazards stuff from before the summer:
- Hazard types
- Tropical cyclone theory
- Haiyan
- Plate tectonics
- Volcano theory
You will have a short (15-20 minute) knowledge review assessment composed of MCQs, matching definitions to terms etc - no actual writing.
The reason we are doing this is because we started Hazards in March/April and the unit gets spilt by summer exams and summer holidays, so it is beneficial to renew knowledge of key ideas at this point. Do not exceed your 40 minutes of homework time on this - this means that you will probably be doing a fairly light read through and this is fine. Doing the assessment itself is part of the process to bring the knowledge back, and the results will not have broader significance.