Lesson Details

Geography cover lesson 23.11.21


10A Geography JRP


Nov. 23, 2021

Additional Info
Geography cover lesson, Tuesday 23rd November

Showbie>Urban Environments>3. Urban challenges and solutions> 2. Curitiba worksheet

1. Watch the two videos that are linked from the screenshots on Slide 5 of the Powerpoint (or use links below). You should have nearly finished the first video, so pick up where you left off, and then watch all of the second.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV8Fcta4bNE (Video 1)

https://www.ted.com/talks/jaime_lerner_a_song_of_the_city?language=en (Video 2)

2.  Read through and highlight the information in the tables on Slides 6-8.  As you did for Singapore, note down at the side of each row whether the issue being managed is economic, social or environmental (or could be more than one).

3. Use of information on Slides 6, 7 and 8 to fill in the crossword on Slide 9.  When you're done, colour code your responses to distinguish between information relating to education, employment, health, housing, transport and waste disposal (and one clue doesn't fit any - leave white).  Remember a key.

In any spare time, revise for end of unit test.  The date of this has been changed to Monday 6th December - it has been updated in homework app.