Assignment Details

Devising Tasks



Date Due

Nov. 10, 2023

Additional Info
Use your 90 Minutes of HW to do the following:

1. Create a shared folder where all documentation goes. Please share this with me too.
Within this folder have sub folders:
  • Script
  • Sound and Light Cues
  • Research (add what you have done separately so you can all see it)
  • Photos 
2. Write up the Script
3. Develop the PowerPoint 
4. Write up the prologue/ welcome to MP training.
5. Write up the Biology Scene
6. Create a word document with links to sound cues in.

Delegate all of the above between you.

As from Friday HW will be Saved based and exam question tasks in preparation for mocks.

Also, this is just a reminder I also need a script typed up for ‘Emily’ This needs to be done by February half term. I will put this as a separate assignment.