Lesson Details

Cover lesson today


Music EFB 8W


Nov. 20, 2023

Additional Info
Dear all

I am sorry that I can't be with you today.
Luckily, you have Mr Jones at the start of the lesson so he will be able to recap the composing task for you.

Work to complete:
Use sheet 2.2 on Onenote in the Classical period folder to continue and finish composing the Section A of your Minuet on Sibelius. Remember to follow the chords below and aim to composed two balanced four bar phrases.

Then look at the page 2.3 on the B section of your Minuet. This is the same task as before but you are now in C major (therefore Chord I = CEG)
Compose a different chord sequence but make sure you keep the cadences in the correct place.
Then compose a different melody for this section.

Any early finishers, can add dynamics and articulation to add character to their piece.
Happy Composing!
Mrs FB