Assignment Details
Cell Organelles and microscopy
21 - 22
Date Due
Sept. 16, 2021
Additional Info
In the lesson have whizzed through the structure and functions of the organelles involved in protein synthesis - nucleus, ribosomes and RER, Golgi and lysosomes. Please could you complete self-study of these organelles using my sheets and pages 67 to 71 (not the mitochondria or chloroplast etc).
Secondly please would you write up into neat, on the back of your cheek cell drawing the working for using the calibrated eyepiece graticule to measure the thickness of a leaf, which was calibrated using a stage micrometer. Please do make sure that you show your working, ie excessive use of words to explain each step as much as you can :). There will be a skill assessment on the Thursday lesson, so learn the three steps involved.