Assignment Details

Geog cover 28th Nov


11C Geography Mr Martin


Nov. 28, 2023

Additional Info
Dear Y11

Apologies for my absence - I have been struck down by covid (again!) but hope to be back soon.

For cover, please do the following: 
1) complete the purple and green box questions for the analysis and conclusions section of the fieldwork (approx 30 mins). 
2) Please then look at the 8 marker in the unfamiliar fieldwork section. Use the guidance to help you and annotate (or write a bullet point list) of positives and negatives associated with the resources (remember to link to the aim of the investigation and the conclusions produced). (approx 20 minutes)
3) Go into the 'Assessments' folder and find '05. Coasts fieldwork assessment'. Please complete this - it is your end-of-fieldwork assessment. This will take you the remainder of the lesson. Good luck!

Best wishes

Mr Martin