Assignment Details

September 4th - Classwork

Fall 2019-Spring 2020

Media Studies & Writing

Date Due

Sept. 4, 2019

Additional Info
Good morning. Listed below are this assignments I would like you to work on today:
1. Danielle, Albertin- work on your interview questions. You need at least 5 questions. Albertin, you are interviewing two individuals, try to come up with different questions for each person as opposed to the same questions for both. 
2.  Abby- write a two paragraph response to your experience at Brooklyn College. Be sure to include where you went, when you went, why you went, and what you learned. 
3. Shantel- contact Mrs. Walker about the article from the trip. Also, do the assignment in point 4. 
4. All other students- write a two paragraph response to the first day of school. What did you enjoy the most? What are you looking forward to? You could even reflect on the chapel program. You must choose an angle and write about the first day of school. 
All assignments MUST be emailed to me by 7:00 p.m. Please email your assignments to CElliott@gnyacademy