Assignment Details

Jan 27 CW

Fall 2019-Spring 2020

Media Studies & Writing


Jan. 27, 2020

Additional Info
1. Brainstorm ideas for our next news video. Choose  and idea and begin writing the script and assigning roles the way we did for the first video.
2. Choose  a famous story and rewrite a portion  of the tale. You can do this with fairy tales, classic literature, or even pop fiction. You change an event that occurs in the middle, or event in the very beginning. How does that affect the outcome?  For example, what would have happened if Belle had refused to live with the Beast after her father had promised her to him in order to save his life? Would her father have been killed? Would she and the Beast still have met? You can choose any story you’d like but it must be fictional. All rewrites are due at the end of the period.