Assignment Details

September 30 Do Now

Fall 2019-Spring 2020

Media Studies & Writing


Sept. 30, 2019

Additional Info
For class work today, discuss the major highlights of battle of the classes. 
Onesty- The video is your responsibility as editor. Take this time to organize the class in writing the script to open the news video and to close the news video. Things to consider:
1. Are we keeping the same name as last year? 
2. What song will open the video?
3. Who will be the reporters for each segment?
4. How will the video open?
5. How will the video close? 

Note: If Onesty is absent, Braezy will lead. If Braezy is absent, Jada will lead. You three are the editors in charge of different segments for the class.

If this is complete, students can start working on writing articles for the sports that were not covered in the video.