Assignment Details

Tell a Story in a Tweet!

Fall 2019-Spring 2020

Media Studies & Writing


Nov. 13, 2019

Additional Info

Tell a story in a Tweet!

All Twitter posts must consist of 140 characters or less. A story is defined as an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment or an account of past events in someone's life or in the evolution of something. There is no minimum word requirement for something to qualify as a story. So let's do it. Let's write 140 character stories!

Your Task: Write 3 stories in 140 characters or less!


  1. They were friends. Until one of them married Norm. Since then, they've gone their separate ways.
  2. He fixed her. She broke him. Never again would he trust someone with such a large collection of broken hearts. Never again would he try.
  3. How did my shoes get in the refrigerator? Why am I standing here naked? There is a story here somewhere, but I'm not sure I want to hear it.
  4. Broken, they found each other. She needed him. He loved her unconditionally. They were, and then they weren't. What will come of their son?