Assignment Details

Topic 2 Dinner Menu

Fall 2019-Spring 2020

Global 3rd Period

Date Due

Oct. 22, 2019

Additional Info
Side Dishes- Due Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Choose one option to complete under point 2. You first side dish was completed in class.

1. Answer Section Review questions 1-5 at the end of Topic 2.3

2.  Choose one the following:

  • Create a Kahoot quiz for Topic 2. You must have three questions per section. There are four sections in the chapter.
  • Create an outline of the Empires of Mesopotamia. Be sure to include the name of the empire, key rulers, important dates, and significant accomplishments. 
  • Write a five paragraph essay describing how the belief system of the ancient Israelites was unique to its time. Include information on the religion they practiced, where they lived, their beliefs, and about when their religion was developed.

Entrees- due Friday, October 25, 2019

Choose ONE of the following prompts to complete for your Entrée.

Note: ALL projects that require a paper must be Times New Roman, size 12, double -spaced.

  • Mummies: Research the process of embalming and the creation of a mummy. Create a poster to show the process. Type a one page paper explaining the process using factual detail and tell why the Egyptians mummified their dead. Your paper must be double spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman.
  • Coffins: The coffin of the pharaoh was often elaborately decorated with hieroglyphics, symbols and the pharaoh's face. Create a small three-dimensional coffin with symbols, hieroglyphics and a face. In your presentation please tell about the burial practices of the Egyptians including some of the symbolism found on the coffins. 
  • The Great Pyramids of Giza: Research the Giza pyramids and the area that surrounds them. Make a three-dimensional model of the Giza complex. Type a one page response including information about their size, who they were made for and how they were constructed.
  • King Tutankhamen: Who was the "Boy King." Research Tut's life and the famous discovery of his tomb, the only complete tomb ever located and excavated. Create a model of the famous death mask that was placed over his mummy. Type a one page response briefly summarizing Tut's life and explain the details of the mask.
  • Map of the Nile: Create a map of the Nile River, including major cities, archaeological sites, pyramids, and temples. In your presentation please tell us about why the Nile was so important to the Egyptians. This map must be handwritten/drawn on poster size paper.
  • The Sphinx: What is the Great Sphinx? Who was it made to honor? What happened to it throughout history? Write a five paragraph essay explains the origins and meaning of the Sphinx.
  • Gods and Goddesses: The Egyptians worshiped hundreds of different gods and goddesses. Select 8 of them and create a power point presentation showing these gods and goddesses including information on their purposes, physical descriptions, etc.
  • Egyptian Music: Research Egyptian music. Create your own "Egyptian" song. Each song must discuss topics relative to Ancient Egypt. Each song must have at least three verses and a chorus.
  • Egyptian Jewelry: In ancient Egypt both men and women wore jewelry both as a symbol of wealth and status, but also because it looked beautiful. Much of the reason that tomb robbers broke into tombs was with the intention of stealing the precious gold jewelry. Create a replica of a piece of ancient Egyptian jewelry. Please explain how and why the jewelry was made in a one page typed response