Assignment Details

Sample Caste System

Fall 2019-Spring 2020

Global 3rd Period

Date Due

Nov. 21, 2019

Additional Info
Please view the sample caste system below:

Caste System

In my caste system,people will be allowed to move up the system. If a person does well enough in their job,their supervisor will give them a recommendation paper,which states which class job he/she may get,and they will serve as an intern for the job until it is proved that he/she is good enough for the job. Marriage within different class ranges is permitted,but it will not improve or decrease your class rank.
Class ranking can only be earned.

-Upper Class (Gold)-Politicians,priests,war generals
-Upper-Middle class-(Silver)Tax collectors,Soldiers,retired soldiers
-Middle class(Brass) Hard working Citizens,homeless people(homeless people will be given a home as long as they agree to a job. If the person stops working,then the home they were given will be taken. This does not apply if the person is unemployed and looking for another job.)
-Lower-Middle class(Iron)-People who aren't interested in working.
-Lower class(clay)-Theives,dishonest people,and criminals in general.

Upper Class- Upper Class men have the right to make laws,as long as they are passed through the other Upper Class men and approved.
Upper-Middle Class-Upper-Middle Class men have the support of the government,and assault of an Upper-Middle Class man is a high offense,due to their position with the government
Middle Class men-Middle Class men are people with normal jobs(eg.Baker,Supply Sellers,Doctors)and will make the amount of money that their employer thinks that their work is worth(gender will not effect wages)
Lower Middle Class-Lower middle class men are people that either don't have a job or aren't working hard will receive the minimum wages for their respective jobs and will not be able to participate in important elections or polls. If someone has a disability(and proof of it) they will be allowed to retire and will be paid by their former job.
Lower Class- Lower Class men will not be able to apply for jobs. They will need to work for the person they committed the crime against for the appropriate amount of time,then sign a paper which states that they will not commit that crime again. Punishment will depend on the seriousness of crime.