Assignment Details

Topic 4: Mesoamerica Dinner Menu

Fall 2019-Spring 2020

Global 3rd Period


Feb. 4, 2020

Additional Info
Topic 4: Dinner Menu

Aztec Worksheet

Side Dish (Choose 2) (Due Feb 4)
  • Topic 4.1-4.3 assessment questions
  • Complete chart of Mesoamerican peoples. Create a chart for each of the following civilizations: Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Inca, Chavin, Moche, Ancestral Puebloan, Adena & Hopewell, Mississippians, Natchez, Inuit, Northwest Coast people, Iroquois.  Answer the following question about each civilization: indicate where they lived, who they influenced, who was in charge (priests, rulers???), describe religious practices, indicate their contributions, and indicate what allowed their culture to spread.  

Entree- Due Feb 6th (Choose ONE activity. Be sure to choose the Olmec, Inca, Aztec OR Mayan civilization for the project. Do not do all four civilizations) 

  •  Achievements/ Innovations -Create a power point presentation. Research three major advances in technology and/ or major achievements in your civilization. What is this society known for? What did they create that was new for their time?  For each achievement/ innovation explain how it helped their society You must include visual representation within this section. 
  • Art -Create a power point presentation. Each of these civilizations had their own artistic style. Whether it was in the form of jewelry, masks, paintings, a type of pictorial writing, or a combination of them all, art is an important part of any culture. In your power point presentation: 1. Give examples of the type of art is found in your society. 2.  Include visual examples of your culture's art. 
  • Religion (Create a power point presentation) Religion is an important part of any culture and religion especially played a big role in all three cultures we discussed. Create a power point presentation and include information about:  Religions practices  Main beliefs  What their temples were like  Include visual representation
  •  News Broadcast- Create a news broadcast highlighting some major event(s) of the Inca, Olmec, Aztec, or Maya civilizations. You must present this broadcast to the class. It should be 2-4 minutes long. You can record your news broadcast or present in live in class. For this project, you can work in groups of 4.
  •  Essay Write a five paragraph essay explaining which of the four early civilizations (Inca, Olmec, Aztec, Maya) is the most interesting to you, and explain why. This essay must include at least 10 facts and be at least two page long. This must be typed and printed out. Times New Roman, 12, double-spaced. 
  • Model/Replica Make a model of an Inca, Olmec, Aztec, or Mayan artifact. This could be, but is not limited to, a pyramid, jewelry, a calendar, a shield, or clothing. Make it look realistic to the time period. Include at least a one page description of what the object is and how these early people used it. 
  • Research Research a famous Inca, Olmec, Aztec, or Mayan leader. Type a page report (500 word minimum) on this person and include an illustration. Include what you like, or dislike, about this leader. Write this in your own words, do not copy from the book or internet.