Assignment Details

Global Final Project

2018-2019 School Year

Global 1 8th Period

Date Due

June 10, 2019

Additional Info
Read the attached document for the criteria for the final project.
You can choose the one pager OR , you can choose from the following options: 1. Use Minecraft or Fortnite to create a replica of any structure in the ancient world such as Egypt, China, India, Greece or Rome. Accompany this project with a one page, typed response that explains the purpose of the structure, when it was built, if it still stands today, how it has influenced the modern world and last but not least, why you chose the structure.
2. Create a replica of any structure in the ancient world such as Egypt, China, India, Greece or Rome. Accompany this project with a one page, typed response that explains the purpose of the structure, when it was built, if it still stands today, how it has influenced the modern world and last but not least, why you chose the structure.
3. Write a 5 paragraph essay about the greatest ruler of the ancient world. One introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs in which you explain reasons why he’s the greatest ruler (one reason per paragraph) and a conclusion. 
