Assignment Details

"The Necklace"/ Character Analysis Worksheet

2018-2019 School Year

English I 3rd Period

Date Due

Nov. 21, 2018

Additional Info
Read "The Necklace" on page 332 in your textbooks. After reading the short story and review your notes from class, complete the attached worksheet. In the boxes provided on the left side of the worksheet, your task is to analyze one aspect of your chosen character's character (what he/she says, does, thinks, feels, or a particular trait). In the boxes provided on the right side of the worksheet, provide specific evidence from the story to support your position. 
Note: Only choose ONE way to analyze the character per box; what the character says, feels, looks, acts, or traits) 
An example is provided below

Be prepared for a quiz on "The Necklace" and your notes on characterization 