Project Details

Creative Writing Class Work

2018-2019 School Year

Creative Writing/Journalism

Date Due

Sept. 20, 2018

Additional Info
Good afternoon. Read the following information for todayÕs class work.
1. Do Now- Three Minute Creative Free Write. For today’s do now activity, you will write, without stopping, for three minutes. You can write about any topic. If you have trouble thinking of what to write, keep writing the last word over and over until you have a new thought to write. 

Note: Onesty, as editor, set a timer for three minutes in your iPad. After the activity is complete, call on students to share their responses.

Look at the sample below:
When will summer end? The blazing hot evenings evenings evenings (note: for example, here you can see I had trouble continuing so I repeated the word evenings) are draining my pockets as I blast the air conditioner to survive.

2. Class work activity- For class work, we are going to explore writing creatively using nonsense proverb prompts. Choose four  prompts from the list below and write a paragraph that begins with the words in the prompt and continue creatively from there. You should have four separate paragraphs because you are choosing four proverbs and writing one paragraph for each. 

[a] Beauty visits once a year.
[b] Bad news is the best medicine.
[c] Silence makes the heart grow fonder.
[d] Strike while the head wears the crown.
[e] A rolling stone is worth two in a bush.
[f] Uneasy lies the head that gathers moss.
[g] A penny is the mother of invention.

Share your responses as a class. 

For the last item of class work, choose one person’s paragraph from the activity above. Form a circle (all 7 of you, move the chairs to sit in a circle). One person, not the individual who wrote the paragraph, will start adding to the story for two minutes. After two minutes, pass the paper to the next person. Complete this until the story gets back to the original writer who will finish the story. Read the story out loud as a class. 

Note: Allot a few minutes for the individual to read the story before starting their two minutes to add to the story.