Assignment Details

Assignment for January 4th, 2018 - You Choose!

2017-2018 School Year

Life Skills 2nd Period

Date Due

Jan. 4, 2018

Additional Info
Hey Everyone! Ms. Q here :)
First and Foremost, I would like to wish everyone a prosperous and exciting 2018! This year you guys will see a lot of change, some exciting and some scary. But discomfort is a sign of growth, so keep it positive!

Okay, so we got the rest of this week off! Yay!
Here's a quick assignment to refresh a little bit of what we have been doing for the past couple of months.
Next week we will cover car ownership and loans and touch on some social etiquette's you should be aware of before entering the next chapter of your lives. The following week will be finals but don't worry! We will have time to review!

For your assignment today, I have attached three TED talks. TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understand of the world. TED talk's are short speeches from well versed individuals about a topic they're known to be experts on.

Out of these three TED talks, pick ONE, watch the talk from the link provided, answer the five questions provided and give me a two paragraph (3-5 sentences is considered a paragraph) personal response about the talk (I liked it because... I dont agree because...). Email me your answers and two paragraph response. My email is This assignment is due no later than Friday, January 5th at 1pm.


The Skill of Self-Confidence by Dr. Ivan Joseph, 13 min, 20 seconds (personality/characteristics)
5 Questions
1. What is Dr. Joseph's definition of self confidence?
2. What is the first way to build self confidence, according to Dr. Joseph?
3. Why is positive "self talk" important to self confidence?
4. Muhammad Ali's affirmation was "I am the Greatest!" Give me one affirmation that is applicable to you.
5. What was the one thing Dr. Joseph wanted you to take from his speech?
** Don't forget the two paragraph self reflection about the video**

Trust your Struggle by Zain Asher, 14 min, 38 seconds (Education and World of Work)
5 Questions
1. What does Ms. Asher mean when she says "Trust Your Struggle?"
2. True or False - "I do not believe in competing for what i want, i believe in creating what I want"
3. Why is giving important to Ms. Asher?
4. "Success comes when opportunity meets preparation." Why is this statement true?
5. How can expanding your knowledge on topics help you in the future?
** Don't forget the two paragraph self reflection about the video**

What Makes you Special by Mariana Atencio, 17 min, 46 seconds (Effective Communication)
5 Questions
1. What was the phrase Mariana's father would stress to her?
2. What happens when you label someone as different?
3. What makes you special? (self reflection)
4. True or False - "The single thing we have in common is being human"
5. Fill in the blank - Nobody has a claim on the word ____________.
** Don't forget the two paragraph self reflection about the video**

Any additional questions, please feel free to contact me. 
See you guys on Monday!! 
-Ms. Q