Assignment Details

Mock Job Interviews

2017-2018 School Year

Life Skills 2nd Period

Date Due

April 24, 2018

Additional Info
The Mock Job Interviews will take place tomorrow. Listed below is the information you need for this project. 
1. All students are permitted to wear professional clothing for the entire day. Please be sure that your clothing is appropriate. 
2. All students MUST have a printed copy of his/her resume. NO EXCUSES. Note: I will not print resumes for any students. 
3. You are applying to either Walgreens, Wendy’s or Foot Locker. Research a little about the company to assist you with the interview.
4. Review the notes from class about job interviews. Remember, if you are asked something illegal or inappropriate, professionally and politely respond by assuring the interviewee that you are committed, available, and able to do this job and guide them towards focusing on what is required of the job.    
5. Attached is the scoring rubric for this project. 