Assignment Details

Temperament Project

2017-2018 School Year

Life Skills 2nd Period

Date Due

Oct. 26, 2017

Additional Info
For this project you are going to have the following individuals take the temperament test:
1. A teacher
2. A close friend/best friend
3. A parent/guardian  
For each individual, write down their primary temperament. After doing so, using the information you've learned about the temperaments, identify each individual's strengths and struggles, communication styles, and learning styles and emotional needs. 
Last but not least, write a reflection response for each individual in which you explain how knowing this information impacts how you relate to this individual. For example, is it understandable why this individual may not always accept invitations to attend functions and events, does it make sense why teachers teach and generate assignments they way they do, etc...
Each project needs to be typed, Times New Roman, double spaced, size 12 font and placed in a folder/binder. Feel free to use color paper or a creative design for your paper or folder.