Assignment Details

Additional Vacation Work!

2017-2018 School Year

Global 2nd Period

Date Due

Jan. 8, 2018

Additional Info
Happy New Year students! As you've heard by now, your vacation as been extended, Yeahhhhhh! With that in mind here's some extra work for you.
See you on Monday/Tuesday.

Please complete the following from your text.  Again, this must be typed and labeled appropriately.

Page 55:
  • Summarize
Page 56:
  • Analyze charts
  • Contrast
Page 57:
  • Analyze Information
  • Assessment questions
Page 58:
  • Define key terms
Page 59:
  • Compare
Page 60:
  • Analyze maps
  • Analyze information
Page 61:  Connect
Page 62: Analyze information & Assessment