Assignment Details

Final Project Criteria

2017-2018 School Year

Global 2nd Period

Date Due

May 29, 2018

Additional Info
1. Create a replica of an artifact from one of the ancient civilizations we’ve studied this school year. You have already been divided into groups. There needs to be a poster board for each group. If there happens to be two posters because both sections are now combined, that is acceptable. A section with no poster will result in a point deduction. I have indicated the groups who have purchased a board to my knowledge. Listed below are the groups, both classes have been combined. 

Mesopotamia (Moises purchase a poster) 
Isaiah, Josiah, Moises, Ibec, Jose 

Rome (Erick purchased a poster) 
Shawna, Erick, Cristian 

Egypt  (I do not recall a poster for this group) 
Chloe, Daniel Bramble Lewis,  Abigal,   Briana T, Victor 

China (I do not recall a poster for this group) 
Dale, Nevaeh, Michael

Greece (Braezy has a poster) 
Issac, Victoria, Lyanna, Albertin, Braezy, Rebecca, Anais, Quinelle, Joshua 

Mesoamerica (Taylor has a poster) 
Mayowa, Taylor, Devon

India (I do not recall a poster) 
Jayden, Amir, Daniel Bell. 

Phonecia  (Angel has a poster) 
Angel, Nala 

Braezy- responsible for making the poster for the museum.

2. Each artifact has to have a one page, typed description of the artifact: 
  1. Origin of artifact and corresponding civilization 
  2. Time period of artifact 
  3. Material artifact is made of (the original artifact, not your replica) 
  4. Purpose of artifact 
  5. How the artifact has evolved for use in today’s society. 
All one page descriptions need to be Times New Roman, 12, double-spaced. Do not head the paper. Center the name of the artifact at the top and begin th description. Place the names of the group members on the back.

You are expected to know the information about your artifact to explain to the judges. Refer to your notes for more detailed information that we’ve discussed several times together in class. Good luck and I cannot wait to see your projects.