Assignment Details

January 5th Assignment

2017-2018 School Year

English 3rd Period

Date Due

Jan. 5, 2018

Additional Info
Peter Dinklage Video

Greetings! I hope you all are staying warm. Attached is a short assignment to complete for today. Bring the assignment in on Monday and give it to Mrs. Walker. See you all soon.- Mrs. Elliott

Watch the video attached to this assignment (click the link above that says Peter Dinklage Video) Note: the video picks up at the last eight minutes of the video which is all you need to watch. If the link doesn’t work, copy and paste it in your web browser.

Answer the following questions:

1. Do you consider Dinklage’s speech persuasive and/or inspirational ? Explain your response. Refer to the speech to support your position.

2.Discuss a defining moment that happened to you this semester. What have you learned from it? Has it changed you?

3. In your opinion, define success. What must one do to achieve success? Discuss your path to success by identifying the steps you will take to achieve your goals? 

4. How can the world derail your plans? What can/will you do to “show” that you are ready?