Project Details

Household Budget Projects

2016-2017 School Year

Life Skills 3rd Period

Date Due

March 23, 2017

Additional Info
For this project, you will create a power point presentation that includes the following: (note- use the handout about the prices for furnishing each bedroom and the handout with the chart of your budget)
1. Opening slide- state your name, your profession and the city and state you will live in. 
2. Identify the place you will work, your gross pay, net pay, and monthly salary and tithe. 
3. Identify the apartment you choose- include the address, pictures, and what is included (amenities). State how much it would cost to furnish each room in your house based on the worksheet from the precious class period. 
4. Identify the car you will drive, include a picture of it and how much your car note is. 
5. Identify your insurance company and how much your insurance is per month. 
6. Continue on with this process for your gas bill, electric bill, cable bill, phone bill, and other categories on the budget sheet. Be sure include the name of the company and the price of you bill monthly. 
7. Identify your bank of choice and the perks that your chosen account offers. Do this for a checking and savings account. 
8. Include any other information on the household budget sheet.

This assignment is due on Monday, March 20th. You can complete this with Microsoft word, Nearpod, or prezi.