Assignment Details

March 2 Class work

2016-2017 School Year

Life Skills 3rd Period


March 2, 2017

Additional Info
1. Watch the Etiquette Video. Click the words Etiquette Video or find it in Resources towards the bottom under links. Answer the questions about this video in the document attached to this assignment. 

2. Watch the King Burger video. Click the words King Burger or find it in Resources towards the bottom under links. 
Answer the questions about this video in the document attached to this assignment. 

3. Read the three case scenarios listed below the video questions in the attached document. Pretend you are the customer and the employee in each scenario. Write how you would respond as the customer And the employee for Each situation. 

4. Write 15 Etiquette Rules for Post Millennials. The directions are in the attached Worksheet.   