Assignment Details

March 15 Class Work

2016-2017 School Year

Life Skills 2nd Period

Date Due

March 15, 2017

Additional Info
Read this entire section and follow directions for the assignments to complete today for class work. 

Read the article  entitled "Fatherhood" in Resources- scroll down to links in Resources. Answer the following questions:
1. What are your thoughts and feelings about this family structure? Do you respect the father in this family? Explain your response. Do you have any negative attitudes towards the mother in the family? Explain your response. 
2. Do you feel that a family consists of preexisting traditional roles a husband/wife should adhere to? Explain your response. 
3. What do you think of the rules the father discussed? Would you implement these in your own family?
4. How do you envision your family structure? Explain the role of the husband, wife, and children in your upcoming family. 
5. Using your present and past childhood experiences, write a list of 10 parenting rules. 

When you are complete with this assignment: 
1. Go to the budget worksheet and complete that assignment. 
2. Go to the household budget project assignment and begin working on your presentations.