Assignment Details

New York Times Response

2016-2017 School Year

Global 3rd Period

Date Due

Sept. 16, 2016

Additional Info

Newspaper Responses

Every Friday we have Global class, students will turn in a newspaper response. Students are to find an article about current international events in The New York Times. Each response should include the following:

  1. Title of the article and the authorÍs name
  2. Summary of the article (one paragraph)
  3. State the issues the article presents and discuss a solution to the problem (one paragraph)
  4. Identify and discuss how America is affected by this issue. (one paragraph)

This assignment MUST be typed and emailed before the start of the class period. All responses must be in Times New Roman, 12, double-spaced. 

NOTE: the link for the NYT is posted in Resources. Be sure to choose "world" to find the international article. You can view 10 free per month.