Assignment Details

Thematic Essay Body/Conclusion

2016-2017 School Year

English 2nd Period

Date Due

Jan. 10, 2017

Additional Info
Read/study the attached document of a sample thematic essay. Complete the following:
1. Correct your intro paragraph using the information and the notes we took in class.
2. Write your body portion of your essay. Your body section needs to be at least 3 paragraphs. In order to do this, look at your thesis statement and find three ways to elaborate on the points to make body paragraphs. Remember, your body paragraphs need to discuss the points in order as listed in the thesis statement. If for example your thesis statement only list two reasons, you can write one paragraph discussing one reason and two separate paragraphs that provide evidence of your second point to equal three body paragraphs.  
3. Write your conclusion restating your into and the major points of your essay. Do not use "in conclusion)
This needs to be turned in, NOT EMAILED, at the beginning of class on Tuesday, Jan 10th. 