Project Details

Research Assignment: Paths to Success

2015-2016 School Year

Life Skills B

Date Due

Nov. 5, 2015

Additional Info
This week, we've discussed the value of blue collar and white collar workers. In Mike Rowe's presentation, he discussed invididuals who've "gone against the grain" and achieved success.

Your task is to research someone (NOT someone well known and talked about like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs). You will type a 3-4 page paper about this individual. You papers must include a brief biography of the individual, and outline their path to success (in other words what they did to be successful and how they got there), and your personal response about the path they've taken. This must be typed, Times New Roman, double-spaced, font size 12.

Your assignment for today is to find and individual you would like to write about and begin your research. Use your time wisely and begin writing your paper in class. This assignment is due on Tuesday, Nov 5th.

In order to assist you, I've uploaded a link that outlines a list of people you can choose from. Remember, choose someone who isn't well known or typically talked about. The link is entitled, " Top 100 Entrepreneurs Who Made Millions Without A College Degree"  in Resources