Project Details

Barter Project

2015-2016 School Year

Global I 4th Period

Date Due

Sept. 22, 2015

Additional Info
Develop your own barter system adhering to the following criteria:
1. Identify a good/ resource New York State can trade with other countries
2. Identify the goods/resources three states in the US will trade with NY
3. Create a system describing how the trade will take place within the states ( where and how it will be traded, how and where it will be distributed, how much will each item be)
1. Identify a good/ resource America can barter
2. Identify the goods/resources two other countries will trade with America
3. Create a system describing how the trade will take place with the countries ( where and how it will be traded, how and where it will be distributed, how much will each item be bartered for)

This project is to be completed in a power point format ( or one of the similar formats we discussed in class) and emailed to me by Tuesday, September 22 at 8 a.m.