Assignment Details

Ancient Rome Scavenger Hunt

2015-2016 School Year

Global I 4th Period

Date Due

Feb. 4, 2016

Additional Info

Instructions: Your job today is to learn about Ancient Rome by completing this scavenger hunt. You will use the internet to find all different types of information about Rome. Make sure to provide answers in complete sentences on your own paper. If necessary, copy and paste the url for each question in your search engine.

1. Go to this webpage
Question: How did Rome get its name?

2. Study the information at
Question A- what was the main duty or role of the Roman gods? Question B- how did the Romans honor their gods?

3. The Romans were polytheistic, that is, they believed in many gods. Go to this webpage and find out about some of their gods.
Question- Write down three Roman gods and provide a brief description of what each does.

4. Ancient Rome had three types of government : monarchy, republic, and empire. Review the information on this webpage
Question- how was the Roman government shaped or influenced our government today?