Assignment Details

Hero PPT

2015-2016 School Year

English I 1st period

Date Due

May 4, 2016

Additional Info
The Big Question for unit 6 is: Do heroes have responsibilities? 

Your task as we begin this unit is to create a power point about heroes. In your presentation, you must include:
1. Your definition of a modern day hero (not a definition you look up) Discuss what characteristics or attributes a hero must have in your opinion. 
2. Identify someone you consider a hero. This can be someone in your life or someone you've read about, past or present. This selection goes beyond who you like and dislike but is more centered on the individual's character. Provide a brief description of the individual and explain why he/she is a hero to you. 
3. Define someone who is considered a villain in your opinion.  
4. Choose someone who you consider as a villain in today's society. This individual can be someone who goes against the greater good of society, someone who has committed a particular crime, someone who spreads negativity, etc... This is not just someone who has a different opinion than you. For example, Al Capone could be considered a villain. Provide a brief history of the villain of your choice and explain why he/she is considered a villain. 

Your presentations need to be emailed to me in order to present them tomorrow. All emails must be sent by Wednesday, May 4th  8:15 a.m.