Assignment Details

Power Point Presentations

2014-2015 School Year

Life Skills (B)

Date Due

Nov. 18, 2014, 12:30 p.m.

Additional Info
Each group is to create a power point presentation about their business. The presentations must include the following:
1. Executive Summary- found on page 4
2. Mission of the Company, History of the Business- pg 5
3. Identify your target market and its critical needs- page 6
4. Describe products and services (including pricing)- page 7
5. List the key players in the company, identify the type of business you are( partnership, corporation, proprietorship), channels of distribution/promotion- page 9
6. Include some pictures of your products or services
7. Feel free to add anything more, but these items are necessary. 

This needs to me emailed to be my Tuesday, November 18th Before 12:30 p.m. All projects emailed after this time will not receive full points.