Project Details

Greek Play

2014-2015 School Year

Global 1 (1st period)

Date Due

March 5, 2015

Additional Info
For today's class period, read the links posted in Resources about Greek comedies and tragedies. After doing so, write your own MODERN Greek play (comedy or tragedy) using some of the characteristics outlined in the reading. This is an individual assignment. Use your time wisely to complete this assignment. Be sure to do the following:
1. Create a title for your play
2. Underneath the title, write a character list and identify who the characters are.
3. Be sure to use Plot format of a short story when creating the plot for your play (introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, conclusion) Look to the Short Story Elements document in Resources to refresh your memory. 
4. Note: Your play MUST be written in dialogue format. Make sure the language of the play is appropriate. 
5. Look at the sample play in Resources under "Sample Play" to view an example of how the play should be written.