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Sample Conclusion

2014-2015 School Year

English I (2 period)


Dec. 8, 2014

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Listed below is a sample conclusion. The essay shows how the theme of choices is in "The Road Not Taken"

     As Stephen Covey implied, the choice between two roads will never end until one dies. It is one of the three constants in life, and though it can be the hardest, it has been constant since the beginning of time. This concept of choices found in Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" has been carefully molded by Frost into a crystal clear picture. Choices are a matter of being able to differentiate between right and wrong with and without the help of others, and having the willingness to make the right choice despite having no support from others. Choices have an incredible importance in someone's life. A choice is a powerful tool. Whether it is used to enhance the lives of others or to break them down, it makes "all the difference."