Project Details

The Pearl Book Report

2014-2015 School Year

English I (2 period)

Date Due

Jan. 5, 2015

Additional Info

Read The Pearl posted in the Resource section. Your assignment is to type a four page thematic essay about ONE theme found in the book. This assignment needs to be turned in two ways; printed out and handed in at the beginning of class on January 5, 2015 AND emailed by January 5, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.

Note: We went over the requirements for this assignment in class. Late papers will NOT be accepted. This will be graded as a project AND a test grade. NO EXCUSES!

Format: Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced. You MUST use MLA citation and cite from the book at least two times to support your position. A work cited page is REQUIRED at the end of your paper and it is NOT considered a part of the 4 pages.

Email me if you have any questions.