Assignment Details

Body Paragraphs

2014-2015 School Year

English I (2 period)

Date Due

Nov. 24, 2014

Additional Info
Write at least three paragraphs in the body for your thematic essay. Your introduction must be the first paragraph and then the body paragraphs to follow. You must quote from the poem in at least of the body paragraphs. Use your notes from class and the paragraphs in the resource section. Listed below is an example how to write the body paragraph with 4 or more lines. 

Example of an essay with 4 or more lines of poetry cited. 
         Christine Gregoire once said, " It is up to us to leave the legacy that was left for us and to leave a legacy that is worthy of our children and future generation." Here Gregoire conveys that similar to those who have gone on before, it is one's duty or responsibility to achieve success in life and to be an example for those to come. In order to accomplish this, one must adhere to the principles of integrity, perseverance, and determination. New England poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, expresses Gregoire's ideals in "A Psalm of Life". In his poem, Longfellow urges the reader to achieve something valuable and worthwhile in life, to leave a legacy. 
        Longfellow encourages the reader to reflect on the lives of others and use that as a catalyst for greatness. He states:
           Lives of great men remind us 
           We can make our lives sublime, 
           And, departing, leave behind us 
           Footprints on the sands of time; (24-28).
 In this stanza Longfellow has a two-fold message. Firstly, he shows the reader that the lives of great men in the past are reminders to those in the present that their lives can be equally inspiring and great. Secondly, Longfellow states that when one leaves this world, the "footprints on the sands of time" he leaves behind is his legacy, the immovable mark he left on the world that will remain throughout history (7).