Assignment Details

Web Diagrams

2014-2015 School Year

English I (2 period)

Date Due

Nov. 7, 2014

Additional Info
Create two web diagram similar to the one we constructed together in class. In the center box, place the author's name, title of the poem, and the theme you've chosen. In the other boxes, provide specific examples from the poem, using line numbers, to support your theme. In the box next to the line number be sure to write a few words explaining how it shows the theme.

One web diagram must be based on a poem (one we've read in class that we didn't use as an example in class OR you can use another poem but please attach the poem to the web)

The second web diagram can be in a poem, short story, novel or even a movie. Note: You do not have to put line numbers if you don't choose a poem. If you choose another literary work mentioned, just write the examples of the theme in the boxes.