Assignment Details


2014-2015 School Year

English I (1 period)

Date Due

May 4, 2015

Additional Info
Respond to this on the wiki space. If you are unable to access your wiki space account, write, type, or email me your response. All responses are due before class on Monday.

In today's society, particularly in this school year, there have been several cases of police brutality against African Americans. From Trayvon Martin to Mike Brown; from to Eric Garner to Freddie Gray, countless lives have been lost as a result of a negligence, overreacting, self-defense, and simply just an abuse of power. However, many debate that the police aren't solely responsible for the deaths in our communities as violence and crimes are committed by people of the same race to one another and people of different races to each other. Consider the cases of those mentioned above (research their cases if you have to before answering the questions) and watch the link posted below where an officer gives his p.o.v. on such issues. Answer the following questions:
1. Should we, collectively and individually, care about what is taking place if it is not happening to us or in our community? If so, to what extent?
2. Are minorities taught to respect or disrespect authority? Does this play a role in the issues present in our society today? Is this really a minority vs majority issue or an issue of abuse of power?
3. Do you an individual can play a role in the violence being committed against him? Do issues like poverty, poor education and unemployment impact oneÕs behavior and attitudes towards others?
4. How can/should one get his voices heard? Are the riots taking place justifiable? Should one demand change and attention by any means necessary?
5. Identify a solution (big or small) that could change this destructive path.
