Assignment Details

Introduction Paragraph sample

2014-2015 School Year

English I (1 period)

Date Due

Nov. 10, 2014

Additional Info
Good afternoon. I've been informed that the paragraph isn't visible in the resource section. Until I fix that problem, I'm posting it here.

     â€‹Christine Gregoire once said, " It is up to us to leave the legacy that was left for us and to leave a legacy that is worthy of our children and future generation." Here Gregoire conveys that similar to those who have gone on before, it is one's duty or responsibility to achieve success in life and to be an example for those to come. In order to accomplish this, one must adhere to the principles of integrity, perseverance, and determination. New England poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, expresses Gregoire'sideals in "A Psalm of Life". In his poem, Longfellow urges the reader to achieve something valuable and worthwhile in life, to leave a legacy.