Assignment Details



CHW L6 Spanish


March 14, 2023

Additional Info
Apologies that I am ill and cannot be with you today. 

Thank you for your homework on pronouns which we shall pick up on again next week. 

Today please work through the remaining activities on the presentation slides starting with the Translation into Spanish ‘Social networks have invaded…’ (Ex4).

Ex 5a: El futuro de las redes sociales. Please make a list of changes that will happen in the future, taking ideas from the text and also adding your own ideas. A good opportunity to practise the subjunctive ‘es probable que…, es posible que…’

Write written answers to the questions on ‘Las redes sociales’

Other exercises just do as it says.

If you finish it all, please learn vocabulary from the Ciberespacio unit and / or use Kerboodle to complete interactive exercises.