Assignment Details



CHW L6 Spanish


April 26, 2022

Additional Info
¡Hola chicas!

Siento mucho mi ausencia hoy, pero aquí abajo encontrarás varias actividades que hacer durante la clase. 

1. Summaries. I have marked those summaries that were handed in last week. Find and open the Summaries Assignment on Showbie. You will find Mark schemes and annotated feedback and advice on both the Shakira and Mariana Zaragoza summaries. Please read carefully, particularly my pointers on how to approach a listening summary. You can also have a go at ‘La Semana Grande de Bilbao’ summary and mark it yourselves. If you still have any questions or doubts then ask me next week.

2. Continue with EXAMPRO practice questions, this week focusing on Patrimonio Cultural.

3. If you run out of EXAMPRO materials, either in lesson or during revision, don’t forget you can do the Kerboodle Repaso or Haz la Prueba sections for each chapter and the mark schemes can be also found in the Repaso folder on Showbie. 
